Friday, March 12, 2010

My discipline

Be respectful
Natural-All students will not feel safe and respected, resulting in the class being an unpleasant place for students and the teacher
logical-Students will be warned. If behavior continues it will result in punishment in the form of referrals or phone calls home
Come to class on time
Natural- Students will miss out on information and distract the class
logical- Students will be marked tardy and lose out on participation points
No Ipods or cell phones during class time
Natural- Students will distract themselves and others in class
logical-Students phones or Ipods will be confiscated and turned over to the assistant principle (as stated in the student handbook)
Clean up after yourself
natural- leaving trash, gum and other things makes the classroom look trashy and makes it a less
appealing place then it already is
Logical- I will make you scrape the gum of the bottom of the desks, chew it and blow a bubble
Try your best
Natural- Students will get the most out of their education when they show up and try their best

My vision.....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010