Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Disturbing Class Chapter 1

3 things I learned
a. creating a school in which we can customize learning for all of our students is unrealistic do the standardized nature of our secondary schools
b. All students have different ways of learning (linguistic, physical, musical etc), however most students learning styles are not met at our public schools
c. It's difficult for teachers who have spent years in school, both being a student and teaching, to change their idea of how a class should be run

2 things I question
a. Is it realistic to think we can actually create the type of school discussed in the chapter? (lack of funds, support from politicians, administration, community etc)
b. We talk a lot about differentiation for our special needs and ELL students. How come we don't seem to talk so much about our students different learning needs?

1 thing I want to learn more about
He talked a lot about the different learning styles, and how to define intelligence. I would like to know some specific strategies on how reach all these different learning styles in secondary schools

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