Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What makes a Schools Ethnography Ethnographic

3 things I learned
A. I like the idea that the Ethnography should be guided by point of view rather then a standard uniform way. This way the person doing the research can have a little more leeway to go where he/she wants with it and have more time in the process to reflect.
B. Ethonography means to write about nations. However, it does not need to a specific nation just any type of network
C. It's important to be asking the question of what and why is a school may be missing. Ask why things are the way they are

2 things I question
a. how much can your personal bias distort your ethnography? If your at a school that doesn't have a great reputation or your at a high achieving school is that going to affect your research?
b. How can you really grasp the culture of a school in 8 weeks?

1 thing I want to learn more about
a. I'm excited to learn more about my school site, Oceanside High School

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